Crawl Across the Ocean

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Weather

So Vancouver is locked in the death grip of bitter winter. Three things occurred to me today as I shivered my way home: 1) I don't think I've ever seen the electronic boards have to use a minus sign before. Nice to see they were prepared for the situation, 2) It's kind of odd that Vancouver, of all cities, seemed better able to handle a snowfall and freeze-up than it was able to handle the heavy rains we had the week before, and 3) It was almost as cold as the first day I lived in Calgary, when I nearly froze my ass off wandering around looking for the Banff Trail C-Train station1 - on the chilly, windy, morning of May 8, 2002.

Anyway, for a city that doesn't get much snow, Vancouver sure looks pretty when it does hit and stick. Beats rain, that's for sure.

1Kudos to Wikipedia for a suitably bleak picture.


  • 'Twas quite amazing was it not.

    And unlike a certain burg at the center of the universe, we didn't have to call in the Army.


    By Blogger RossK, at 7:58 PM  

  • Yeah, I lived in Toronto for the army incident (incidentally, it was a *lot* more snow than Vancouver got, but it was still an overreaction). I made it out to my (indoor) soccer game and to work, but in both cases few others did, so there was no game and no work.

    The few of us who did make it in played a little baseball in the halls at work, before heading home, but that was it.

    By Blogger Declan, at 11:00 AM  

  • "I don't think I've ever seen the electronic boards have to use a minus sign before. Nice to see they were prepared for the situation,"

    major lols.

    By Blogger ainge lotusland, at 5:38 PM  

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